Successful blogging means....

Successful blogging means....


2 min read

Successful blogging means documenting my learning journey. It is me, having it in writing, the concepts that give me the tingling butterfly feeling, those that brought me to tears, and those that had me cursing programming. It is me writing about those 'aha!' moments; when it finally clicks and the 'I hate programming' moments; when nothing makes sense.

Successful blogging means creating value. It is me, sharing bite-sized pieces of knowledge and spreading the gospel of tech. It is me, teaching my reader and reminding my future forgetful-self of the concepts I once made sense of. It is me researching on the topics I intend on writing and expounding on concepts as I would to the 6-year-old me. It is me accepting I'm no expert and leaving room for imperfection.

Successful blogging means enjoying the process. It is me, writing not because I have to but because I'm dying to. It is me, writing in my voice, conveying the message with authenticity. It is me breaking away from the "writing manual scripts" and sipping in some creative bits. It is me cutting to the chase and get the point home sooner rather than later.

Successful blogging is me getting over my biggest fear, writing.